ACT As A Brief Intervention: A 2-day Master Class on “FACT”
This advanced level “hands-on” skills-building workshop will take you step-by-step through the practice and principles of FACT: Focused Acceptance & Commitment Therapy. It’s an ideal approach for anyone who wants to do ACT more efficiently – especially for practitioners in time-limited settings, including primary care, short in-patient stays, school/university counselling services, prisons, EAPs, and crisis intervention.
This workshop is worth 12 CPD hours
These workshops will start again in late 2021. If you would like to be informed of the new dates, please email us
Optimize Client Outcomes: Big Results In A Short Space of Time!
Are you facing the ever-growing challenge of how to optimize client outcomes with as few treatment sessions as possible? If not, you soon will be – because around the globe, the demand for brief therapy is rapidly growing. The good news is, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy is well suited to a brief intervention format. And in this advanced-level practical workshop, you’ll learn how to do ACT effectively in anything from 1 to 6 sessions of 20 to 30 minutes each.
This unique master class is based on FACT: Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. FACT is a brief but powerful behavioural intervention approach, pioneered by Kirk Strosahl and Patricia Robinson, and widely used in the USA and Europe.
It is rooted in three overarching principles:
‘Opening up’: unhooking from your thoughts and feelings and allowing them to freely come, stay and go in their own good time
‘ Being present’: flexibly focusing attention where it’s most useful and engaging fully in whatever you are doing
‘Doing what matters’: using values to motivate and guide effective behavioural changes.
Note: this is an advanced level workshop. You must have attended at least two days of basic ACT training (with any ACT trainer) or have done Russ Harris’s online training course ‘ACT For Beginners’ – see for details. This basic knowledge of ACT will be assumed. You must also be actively practicing ACT in a professional capacity – as a psychologist, counsellor, therapist, GP, psychiatrist, nurse, OT, youth worker, or similar. If you have no direct “hands on” experience of using ACT with clients or patients, this is not an appropriate workshop for you.
You’ve Never Seen ACT Done Like This Before!
If you are keen for something different, something fresh, you won’t be disappointed. FACT is a radically different approach to therapy, that will give you a wealth of new ideas
and effective strategies.
In this 2-day master class you will:
Discover exciting new research about the surprisingly high effectiveness of brief therapy interventions, and learn how to apply this approach with your clients and patients
Observe demonstrations of the specific clinical techniques that make up the FACT approach – and then get to practice them in role plays
Learn the art of focused interviewing skills
Learn how to use the “choice point” tool for rapid case formulation and treatment targeting
Learn how to do an effective ACT intervention in as little as 5 to 10 minutes (we’re not kidding!!!)
Learn via a wide range of experiential exercises, clinical role plays, guided practice, live demonstrations and videos.
The Presenter:
Russ Harris – Medical Practitioner, Psychotherapist, Life Coach
Russ Harris is a world-renowned trainer of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT). Russ’s background is in medicine. As a GP he became increasingly interested in the psychological aspects of health and wellbeing, and increasingly disenchanted with writing prescriptions. Ultimately this interest led to a total career change. He now works in two different, yet complementary roles – as a therapist and as a coach.
Since 2005, Russ has run over 600 two-day workshops and trained over 30,000 health professionals. He has authored three ACT textbooks (ACT Made Simple, Getting Unstuck in ACT, ACT Questions & Answers), and six ACT-based self-help books (The Happiness Trap, The Reality Slap, The Confidence Gap, ACT with Love, The Weight Escape, and The Happiness Trap Pocketbook). The Happiness Trap is now the most widely-translated ACT book in the world, with over 600,000 copies sold worldwide and editions in over 30 languages.
Russ proudly proclaims each workshop a ‘jargon-free zone’ – and bases his training on three core values: simplicity, clarity, and having fun. Participants regularly report not only major improvements in their therapy and/or coaching, but also in their personal lives – and evaluation forms frequently praise his ability to make complex ideas seem very simple.
Prices are less for advance payment. Hover over or click on a workshop to get the current price.